Sunday, 3 February 2013

Two more bears for Hugglets

I have 2 more bears to show you that are ready for Hugglets in 3 weeks.They are called Souffle and Chester.
Souffle is made with a lovely long cream coloured schulte mohair.I don't think that I have made such a hairy bear! Chester is a taupe colour and also made in a schulte mohair.He has a very endearing expression don't you think?Both bears are 12 inches high.
I have made bears for 8 years now and I still find that after all this time my bears never seem to want to come out the same....they all have their own little look.I see artists that make bears and their bears all look exactly the same apart from the colours used and try as I might my bears just choose how they want to look.It is great that they all look so different but also frustrating when I get a lovely face and  I wish they could all come out like that. I know now and have to accept that the next bear will look nothing like the last one as they all want to be individuals!!!

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